AWS Bootcamp

AWS Bootcamp to learn AWS services by actually doing the tasks.

Hi 👋 Welcome to the AWS Bootcamp created at EzyInfra Dev. This boot camp will contain a series of projects that will help you explore different AWS services and give you an intermediate-level experience with AWS.

Doing is the best way to Learn anything !!!


You can use AI, Youtube Videos, AWS Documentation, Courses anything. But you should able to complete the task and understand what you are doing. When asked to explain what you did, you should able to explain it in plain english.

Pre Requisites

  1. We assume you have minimal knowledge about AWS Cloud provider, if not you can check any video on Youtube about AWS Introduction and it should be good.

  2. Create a free account in AWS. They will ask for your credit card information, but they won't charge you. If you want guided instructions, check out this blog

  3. You are willing to learn AWS by actually doing tasks and not just by watching videos.


These are the 8 topics we want to cover as part 1 of the AWS Bootcamp. Based on the feedback and usefulness we can create few more bootcamps also.

AWS Services Used

EC2 + Application Load Balancer


AWS RDS Database

VPC, Subnet & Networking

AWS Amplify



AWS Cloudwatch

AWS Lambda


Cost Explorer


Easy Projects

  1. Deploy a 3 - Tier application using AWS S3, EC2, and RDS services - Link

  2. Deploy a Portfolio website using AWS Amplify - Link

  3. Setup VPN using Pritunl VPN and access private network through it - Link

  4. Deploy Event Driven architecture to create Thumbnail from Image - Link

Intermediate Projects

  1. Deploy the Backend application in HA Mode for Server and Database - Link

  2. Deploy the 3 - Tier application using Containerised technologies AWS ECS, ECR - Link (coming soon)

  3. Setup Cloudwatch Dashboard, Metrics, Alarm, Logs for this scenario - Link (coming soon)

  4. Cost exploration in AWS Cloud - Link (coming soon)

  5. Setup IAM user, roles, and policy using Terraform - Link (coming soon)

Hope these tasks will give you Intermediate level expertise in AWS and use this as the base to explore more AWS services.

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